Inner Worlds = Outer Life
When you look into the mirror, you see a solid person, right? But, at the center of matter, down from the cellular, to molecular, to atomic, and quantum level, we find that the world that we believe is so 'material' is actually quite the opposite. Matter is actually only about 1% of who we are, the rest is made up of a lot of electrically charged space. We are both matter (particle) and also a wave (energetic frequency).
Throughout history this subtle energy field has been labeled many different names: The Aura, the Merkaba, Heavenly Body, Energetic Body, Chi, Ki, Mana, Prana, or Chakra System. In Ancient Greek the word "Aura" means 'soft wind' and was the name of a minor Goddess who brought the gentle wind of the new day. No matter what you call it, we all experience this subtle energy in different ways throughout our lives.
At the basic core, the body is simply a grid of intelligent energy that sustains a physical existence. Everything we eat, drink, think, and experience affects the vitality of this unseen life force. In a sense, we all have a body that we can see, touch, sense... and we all have a distinct energetic signature - a state of specific consciousness.
What Will I Learn in this Course?
- Detailed Anatomy & Physiology of your Chakras
- Understand the relationship between different layers of the Aura
- Cleanse blocks or misalignments in your own Aura
- Chakra Mechanics & Emotional Health
- The Human Chakras & Health
- The Astral Body & Spiritual Development
- How to Recognize Spiritual Guides
- How to Live Authentically & Create Boundaries
- How 5th Dimensional Chakras Work
- Guided Meditations to Heal the Heart
- Dynamic Breathing Practice to Tone and Enliven the Chakra System
- Pineal Gland Activation Exercises
- Discover Your Dominant "Clair" Sense
- Sleep Meditation to Sooth and Recover Your Energy
What are Chakras?
The subtle energetic body (SEB), or personal Auric Field, is a complex network of energetic meridians that consist of multiple bans of energy. This field encompasses the whole body and connects us with the outside world. The layers of the SEB have been distinguished in eastern philosophy as Chakras, or wheels, that deliver life essence (also called Prana, Reiki, Chi, or Mu) into various Nadis, or channels, thereby providing every cell, muscle, organ, and gland with life force.
Within the SEB, there are many different bio-fields that regulate and relate to various mental, emotional, spiritual and physical functions. Traditionally, there are 7-8 well known layers, or bodies: The etheric body, the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, the heart, the communication body, the third eye sight, and the universal center. Each of these bodies affects the other...for instance, how you think directly relates to how you feel. How you feel directly affects the health of your physical system. Beyond the 7-8 well known chakras, we have a Karmic Root chakra which holds our soul contracts for this life, two heart centers, each with an individual purpose and function; and a Soul Star chakra that holds our connection to the collective unconscious, Akashic records, the Angelic Realms, alternate dimensional realities, and personalized soul history.
Health and Disease
When our Aura is working properly, we feel aligned, energetic, intuitive, physically enlivened, and healthy. When our frequency becomes 'lowered' or 'stuck' we get sick - mentally, emotionally, or physically.
According to the ancient wisdom traditions all dis-ease begins on the non-physical layers of our subtle energetic body and gradually 'thickens into form.' So often, it is only after an imbalance, or symptom, has been revealed in the physical dimension that we become aware of the wound at all. By learning how to sense our own energy field and heal the energetic layers of the Aura, we set the stage for a long life of abundance in all arenas of life. The health of each layer is essential for the health of the whole organism.
In this course you will learn to distinguish which layers of your own Aura are healthy and heal blockages in your field with breathwork and guided meditations.
Deepen Your Understanding
Educational lectures and discussions to enhance your understanding of the subtle body and how your own Aura works. In this course enjoy 6-pointed lecture's highlighting the different chakras and how the interplay between these layers of the Aura contribute to health and wellbeing.
Experience Awe
It's not enough to know something in our mind. Let's experience it! Throughout this course you will have the opportunity to experience your subtle body first hand. Discover the energy flow as you dive into dynamic breathing practices and meditations.
Reflection Experiences
Reflection is key to new learning. When we reflect and record our new experiences it expands our belief systems as to what is real. Throughout this course, you will be asked to reflect on your own life and how your story has molded and sculpted your human energy field.
Course Curriculum
- Chakras Part 1: Quantum Energy (52:07)
- Chakras Part 2: Auric Mechanics & Chakra Health (18:44)
- Chakras Part 3: The Human Experience, Chakras 1-3 (54:40)
- Human Chakras Breathwork AM Flow
- Chakra Sacred Pools Meditation
- Chakras Part 4: The Astral Heart & Spiritual Guides (66:31)
- The Golden Tree Meditation
- Love Thread Meditation: Experiencing Aphrodite
- Heart Healing Sleep: PM Ritual & Breathwork (0:13)