Meet Hestia

Hestia - Goddess of the Sacred Blue Flame, Devotion, Silence, and Stillness. She opens the door to the higher dimensions within and casts her pure energy onto all manifestation.

Energetically, she rules the throat chakra, belief systems, and the etheric blueprint. Everything we manifest in the outer world starts with this energy center. When it is clean and clear, we align with our Higher Soul's Purpose instead of the desires of the lower ego Self.

Her teaching initiate us into the sacred silence of our own emptiness. She teaches that while the mind and body are important, the spirit is the leading force of all transformation.

In this section of the training, you will meet your own inner Hestia and enter the temple of sacred silence - where all answers are found.

The Throat Chakra

This energy center is known as the etheric blueprint and is the first 5th Dimensional Chakra. It holds the power of manifestation, belief systems, and our Soul's Purpose encased within its powerful grid. As we fine tune this chakra, we find the courage to express and vibrate our authentic Spirit, rather than the conditioned ego. We find ease in vocalizing our deepest yearnings and fine tune our personal field to fit the life we want. Remember, you don't attract what you want, you attract what you are.

Learn how to keep this chakra healthy and happy as your own Sacred Feminine continues to purify and synchronize with your divine desires.

Spiritual Guides & Guardian Angels

Silence and stillness are the great mirrors of life. Can you sit in your own presence and not shrink away or run? Can you be with your thoughts and choose to be the witness rather than the participant?

As we deepen Hestia's teachings, the silence becomes a welcome ashram of the Soul. Learn to connect with the higher Beings that guide your path. Each of us has a Higher Self, a Guardian Angel, Spiritual Guides, and a Higher Counsel. In many cases, you may already be aware of these luminous advanced Beings around you.

Hestia teaches that although we must live in the outer world, our true Self resides within the Soul. It's time to fully remember your divine truth and reclaim the silence of deep peace - knowing you are already exactly where you are meant to be. There are no accidents. Everything is Perfect!

Hi I 'm Jenny,

It has been my pleasure to guide you through the Virgin Archetype...and now we are on the final Goddess - Hestia. Hestia crystalizes the teachings of Artemis and Athena by welcoming us into deep stillness and silence. All the answers can be found in this quiet abundance.

Hestia rules the throat chakra and guides us to craft our dreams by clearly expressing and voting into the universal field. Since we vote from the subconscious mind, it has been important to build more bioenergy with Artemis and explore past conditioning with Athena. Now we will do some final dusting of the psyche and clean up belief systems with Hestia.

What do you desire? What do you long for? This course will fine tune this element of the psyche and help you align with your true expression.

When the 3-virgins are settled in the psyche, we get to move onto Aphrodite - the creative one. Now, with all your grounding, esteem, and expression flowing anything you want is possible. Congratulations for sticking with the work, breathing, and letting the magic unfold.

This course is closed for enrollment.