What is Reiki?

Reiki is a therapy often described as palm healing or hands-on-body healing in which a practitioner places hands lightly on or over the body to facilitate the process rebalancing and healing.

This word Reiki means channeled life-force, and combines the Japanese word-characters of "rei" (spiritual or supernatural) and "ki" (vital energy). Although many believe Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing, research shows that it dates back more than 2500 years through many different cultures.

During Reiki, Universal Energy is channeled through the practitioner into the patient through the subtle body. The subtle body is made up of 7- 13 main chakras, with hundreds of minor chakras, and is intimately linked to the nervous system, endocrine glands, and emotional states of consciousness.

Blocks or sluggish movement in the chakra system can lead to disharmony within the individual - and in time, dis-ease. Reiki works to unblock and repair discrepancies in the subtle body in a peaceful, relaxing way, thereby creating balance and supporting homeostasis.

What Happens During A Reiki Session?

 During a session, the client will sit in a comfortable chair or lie on a table, fully clothed. The practitioner will then place their hands lightly on or over specific areas of the client’s head, limbs, and torso. They will typically keep their hands in these positions for 3–10 minutes. Certain placement of the hands invites the deeper structures of the neurological system to shift and heal.

While the practitioner holds their hands lightly on or over the body and draws the sacred symbols, an energy transfer takes place. During this time, the practitioner may report that their hands feel warm or are tingling. They will hold each hand position until they sense that the energy has stopped flowing. During the healing process a practitioner may use the following techniques on the patients aura: centering, clearing, beaming, extracting harmful energies, infusing, stitching tears, or smoothing and raking the subtle energy system.

When the practitioner feels that the heat, or energy, in their hands has gone, they will remove their hands and place them over a different body area and continue the process of Reiki.

Because energy is highly organized and intelligent, changing the foundational quantum energy of an individual changes the expressed patterns of the physical, mental, or emotional health.

How Do I Learn Reiki?

Reiki is passed down from Reiki Master to Practitioner by the attunement process and has 3 primary levels of education.

Reiki I: Heal Thyself. During Reiki I training and attunement you will learn distinct protocols for channeling Reiki energy into your own subtle body, and become familiar with the feeling of this beautiful energy.

Reiki II: Healing others and time wounds. This attunement focus on how to give a Reiki session to others - loved ones, pets, or distant healings across the globe or though time (to heal past pains). In begin to work with the Reiki symbols to facilitate greater flow of the Reiki energy.When we use Reiki symbols in a healing, we alert the mind and body to change the way energy moves through the field.

Reiki III: Teacher Training. This attunement focuses on how to teach Reiki I and II to others and opens a practitioner up to the Master Reiki Symbols. Once integrated, this attunement can open a practitioner up to greater volumes of universal energy, higher self intelligence, and quantum healing.

What is the Subtle Body?

When you look into the mirror, you see a solid person, right? But, at the center of matter, down from the cellular, to molecular, to atomic, and quantum level, we find that the world that we believe is so 'material' is actually quite the opposite. Matter is actually only about 1% of who we are, the rest is made up of a lot of electrically charged space, which we call the energetic field. At the basic core, the body is simply a grid of intelligent energy that sustains a physical existence. It is only by this Chi, Ki, or Prana that we exist at all.

When our frequency is buzzing high, we feel aligned, energetic, intuitive, physically enlivened, and healthy. When our energetic matrix is damaged or weakened by stress, unhealthy relationships, unresolved trauma, or poor self-care - illness, either physical or emotional, is likely to follow. According to Shamanic medicine, all dis-ease begins on the non-physical layers of our subtle energetic body and gradually works its way into physical manifestation. So often, it is only after an imbalance, or symptom, has been revealed in the physical dimension that we become aware of the unbalance at all. All dis-ease is just a lowering of frequency. 

What Are Chakras?

The subtle body, or auric field, is a complex network of energetic bans of energy that build, encompass, and protect the whole body. The layers of the SEB have been distinguished in eastern philosophy as Chakras, or wheels, that deliver life essence (also called Prana, Reiki, Chi, or Mu) into various channels, thereby providing every cell, muscle, organ, and gland with life force.

Traditionally, there are 7-8 well known chakra bodies: The etheric body, the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body, the heart, the communication body, the third eye sight, and the universal center. Each of these bodies affects the other. Beyond the 7-8 well known chakras, we have a karmic root chakra which holds our soul contracts for this life, two heart centers, each with an individual purpose and function; and 5 additional chakra bodies that hold our connection to the collective unconscious, Akashic records, the Angelic Realms, alternate dimensional realities, and personalized soul history. The health of each layer is essential for the health of the whole organism.

Within our programs, you will learn the detailed anatomy of the SEB, understand the relationship between different layers, and cleanse blocks or misalignments in your own Auric Field.  

Mystical Studies & Reincarnation

According to Regression Theory, the body is a holographic format of the Higher Self and is animated by this divine intelligence. Before entering into the body, Souls plan their lives and certain 'growth experiences' that will further their evolutionary process by increasing vibrational resonance. Together, with a team of advanced Guides and Teachers, the Soul decides on certain lessons and experiences, that will best aid the Soul essence into higher vibrations of Conscious understanding. These lessons come in the form of Soul Contracts with loved ones, destiny points, passions we must explore, and gifts we must develop. The point of these contracts is not to get bogged down in the minutia of the process, but to elevate and transcend the lower frequencies of fear, trauma, anger, blame, judgement, etc and resonate with love, unity, until one transcends out of the cycle of reincarnation.

In this training, you will start to understand your own karmic contracts, soul purpose, and assist others in their own ascension process.

What is Trauma?

Trauma is anything that is anything that is too much, too soon, or too fast for our nervous system to handle without becoming overwhelmed. It's anything that gives us a sense of feeling unsafe, or even threatened. 

What happens during a traumatic episode?

At the cellular level, the body experiences a surge of intense fight or flight energy. In this aroused state, our go to survival strategies are to fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. Although each of these reactions to trauma can look very different, the internal effect is the same. Trauma disconnect us from ourselves. This is why compounded trauma often leaded to depression, numbness, or anxiety. Our bodies need to feel safe and a sense that the threat is over in order for the nervous system to come back into a state of balance. If a stressor is long lasting, severe or sudden, we compensate by 'storing' it in our body as a 'freeze response.' Being stuck in the freeze response is why we can still suffer from something that happened to us months, years, or even decades ago. 

How does trauma manifest in the body?  

The body keeps the score! Trauma is stored in the nervous system and in the memory of the body. It commonly shows up as insomnia, hypervigilance, panic, anxiety, addictions of all kinds, chronic fatigue, migraine headaches, digestive problems, chronic pain (no matter how much bodywork we receive), a sense of feeling disconnected, numb, and depressed. Many people don’t realize that it may be unresolved emotional material at the root of it.

What is trauma healing?

Healing trauma is about going from ‘trying to survive’ to ‘thriving.’ It is about coming out of the freeze response and integration. It is about returning to a place we can we can connect with ourselves, feel relaxed, and present. Clearing old traumas often changes our core beliefs about who we are and brings us back into authentic connection with our own vital nature and unique genius. A trained trauma coach, breathworker, Reiki practitioner, or counselor are all great starting points to healing.

Vibrational Sound Healing

Vibrational Sound Healing is the key to making space to restore the energy field to its full potential. Within the world of sound therapy, resonance is the most important component. The human physiology resonates at specific frequencies or vibrations for optimal health. Specific organs and body systems emit sound frequencies. At a cellular level, all cells emit a sound frequency in the course of enacting their metabolic processes. Our thoughts and emotions also emit different energy, and therefore, different sound waves that affect the whole. Every second within the body, a symphony of activity is constantly playing out.

 In sound healing, resonance principles are employed to re-harmonize cells that have been imprinted with disruptive frequencies. Some common tools used in VST include crystal singing bowls, metal singing Bowles, gongs, rattles, drums, and the human voice. During vibrational sound therapy new vibrations are introduced to the field that may repair and balance tears, blocks, and stagnation in the human energy field. Clients report feeling calm, cleansed, and restored as old dysfunctional energetic patterns are replaced by coherence.

In this training, you will learn the basics of how to implement sound therapy into your Reiki healing, both on and off the body. Your clients will simply LOVE it!

What's Included?

  • Mindfulness and Meditation Techniques
  • Release stored trauma from your emotional body
  • Contact Spiritual Guidance
  • How to contact spiritual guidance and discover your dominant psychic sense.
  • Sound Healing: How to use vibrational sound therapy in your sessions, both on and off the body.
  • Auric Fitness: Important nutrition & breathwork practices to raise your frequency.
  • How to remove vibrational debris, balance, and release harmful energies from the aura.
  • Learn Light touch, cranial holds, and deep pressure point release techniques.
  • Learn to trust messages from past loved ones, spirit guides, or high frequency beings.
  • Learn guided meditation techniques to shift brainwaves and rebalance the autonomic nervous system.
  • Soul contracts, reincarnation patterns, star seed incarnations, and how to ascend into higher dimensions.
  • How to give a self session, distance session, and partner session.
  • Reiki I & II virtual attunements.
  • Master Attunement by request.
  • Invitation to join our 5 Pillars online healing circle

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need previous education to start this training?

No. Reiki is open to everyone and is a great way to start a healing path and practice self care. If you are already attuned to Reiki, this training will deepen your practice and understanding of this Sacred system. If you are starting Reiki for the first time, enjoy the process of learning and expansion. It's a gift!

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

If you are unsatisfied with your bundle, reach out to us to see if your purchase is eligible for a refund.

My bundle includes coaching. How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing a bundle that includes coaching, you'll receive an invitation within the training to book a time for your attunements and future appointments.